Will Moving to a Drier Climate Relieve Allergies?

Many people who suffer from allergy issues often believe that more dry climates, such as the desert, will help relieve their symptoms. While it may help some people, a more dry climate may actually make things worse!

Allergy symptomsHow Can Dry Climates Improve Allergies?

Some Reduced Plant Life

The presence of allergy symptoms often has less to do with the weather its self, and more to do with the type of plant life that thrives in humid environments. In many areas with high humidity, certain types of vegetation tend to grow more vigorously during the warmer months. In more dry climates, plant growth is slightly more stifled.

Certain Grasses & Weeds

A lot of people are allergic to various types of turfgrass, and the mold that they can produce. Especially after someone mows the grass, allergy-causing particles can remain in the air for quite a while. In the desert, less of these grasses are present.

Mold and Mildew

Areas of high humidity create the perfect conditions for mold and mildew to form. Logs, fallen leaves, and even certain areas inside your home can cause a significant amount of mold and mildew to develop.

Mold does develop in drier climates after very heavy rainfall, but it’s less prevalent.

Air Pollution

Finally, human air pollution, in general, tends to be lower in dry climates. While there are obvious exceptions such as Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Pheonix, and other major cities, population tends to be less dense. Because of this, air pollution is often not as big of an issue.

How Can a Dry Climate Make Things Worse?

Non-Native Trees

In the United States, the Southwest has been populated with a lot of different types of trees that aren’t native to the area. Since the growing season is almost all year long, those who suffer from ragweed allergies may not find any relief from sniffles and sneezing.


Because the climate is so dry, there is more dust present in the air. Especially in those who are asthmatic, dust can wreak havoc on the respiratory system. Dust mites aren’t as big of an issue outdoors, but since many people use humidifiers in their homes, this can create quite an issue for those with allergies.

The “Honeymoon Period” May Eventually Go Away

A lot of people who move to a drier climate to find relief from allergies often do very well for the first two to five years following their move. But, many find that their symptoms have come back after this time. This is because allergy sufferers tend to have immune systems that are prone to developing sensitivities to environmental materials, and the same issues may develop with different airborne materials.

Treat the Underlying Problem

If you’re at your wit’s end with your allergies, moving to or from a certain location may not be the answer. At Coastal Ear, Nose & Throat, we will create a specific plan for you and your needs to help you tackle your allergies once and for all. Call (912) 355-2335 to schedule a consultation in the Savannah, GA area.