Author: Coastal Ear, Nose & Throat

How to Protect Your Hearing From The Sounds of Summer

The Sound of Silence is the title of an old song, but not something we associate with during the summertime. Instead, it’s lots of leaf blowers, fireworks, and lawn mowers. Noise, noise, and more noise; not so silent, and not so beneficial for our hearing. How to protect your hearing from the sounds of summer.

Seeking Safe Decibels In Summer

Sounds are measured in decibels, and anything over 100 is too loud and can potentially damage your hearing. So how do youMan cutting grass. know when something is too loud? Since we spend a lot of time outdoors as the weather gets warmer, there are countless sounds everywhere. Many of them are dangerous whether we are young or old. It’s called “noise-induced hearing loss.”

The damage to our hearing is based on both intensity and duration. Keep you and your family safe from hearing loss, and pay attention to summer sounds that are just plainly too loud.

Baseball Games

“Take me out to the ballgame” is a fun activity, especially if your team is winning. But…the sounds of the crowd, music, and fireworks afterward can be more than your ears can take. One study found that the decibel levels at major league games averaged 94dB but could go up to 114dB. Bring earplugs for you and your children.


What fun to be on a motorcycle in the summer! Without a helmet the sound of the wind and the motor can reach 103dB. That is louder than a chainsaw.

How about a speedboat? The sound of the wind and engine can reach the same decibels. If you are exposed to just 15 minutes of 115 dB, you can damage your hearing for life.

Outdoor Concerts

This has got to be one of our favorite pastimes. One simple clue that it’s too loud is if you must shout to be heard. Move away from the speakers and bring your earplugs to stay safe.

Target Practice

With more people having guns for sport and protection, this is extremely dangerous. Pay attention, firearms create noise levels at 140 dB. This will cause immediate hearing loss. The more protection you have, all the better.

Road Work And Construction

When does your town work on the roads? Of course, during the summer. The sounds of construction, drilling, power tools and road work are everywhere. 80 to 90dB is common.

Other dangerous sounds include:

  • Fireworks at more than 150dB. Watch from afar and wear ear protection if too close.
  • Sound from landscaping and lawn care with mowers and blowers can reach 80 to 105dB.
  • Sirens at 110 to 129dB.

Enjoy the summer but contact David S. Oliver, MD FACS at Coastal Ear, Nose and Throat for a hearing test if you notice any new or worsening issues.

Why You Have Seasonal Allergies

Like we don’t have enough to contend with right now, we are in the middle of spring and summer allergy time. That’s the itchy watery eyes, congestion, sneezing, and runny nose seasonal allergies to be precise. If you have suffered with this before, or maybe you are a newbie to this nuisance, we can summarize why you have seasonal allergies and what to do about it.

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How to Preserve and Protect Your Hearing As You Grow Older

If you have ever attended a large rock concert, you know how it affects your hearing. You probably enjoyed the music, but it takes a while to recover your normal hearing. That should be your first clue. High volume is detrimental to your hearing. If you are around loud music, machinery, or excessive environmental noises for any length of time, you are doing damage to your hearing no matter your age. Let’s consider how to preserve and protect your hearing as you grow older.

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How to Get Rid of Recurring Sinus Infections

If you have ever had a sinus infection, you vividly remember the pressure and pain in your eyes and forehead. It becomes so bad you can’t focus on anything, and all you want to do is close your eyes and sleep. Forget about trying to work or do anything normal. What could be worse than that? Worse is when you finally get relief and several weeks later, it’s back! It’s a common problem to suffer from these infections multiple times a year. Let’s look at how to get rid of recurring sinus infections.

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Signs Your Child May Need Ear Tubes

If there are any signs your child may need ear tubes, they certainly won’t be alone. Ear tube surgery, also known as tympanostomy, is the most common childhood surgery performed in the United States each year. It is typically performed by an otolaryngologist (ENT) like Coastal Ear, Nose & Throat in Savannah. Let’s look at the reasons ear tubes may be needed.

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