I’m sure everyone has been told to be careful about sticking Q-Tips too far in their ears. However, it may be a good idea to forgo the use of Q-Tips for cleaning ears all together.
Why Shouldn’t I Use a Q-Tip to Clean My Ears?
There are many reasons you shouldn’t use Q-Tips to clean your ears, including:
- Ears are self-cleaning.
- The wax is a natural antibiotic that coats the ear canal and protects it against infection.
- Using a Q-Tip can also puncture the ear drum, which can result in surgery.
- If you touch the ear drum, you also put pressure on the hammer, anvil and stirrup underneath.
- Putting too much pressure on these small bones can cause issues with hearing and balance.
What Are My Options for Cleaning Ears?
- Over the counter ear drops
- Cleaning with hydrogen peroxide
- Have an ENT clean out your ears professionally
See Dr. David Oliver today if ear wax is causing hearing loss or dizziness, or call (912) 355-2335 for an appointment