Avoiding a Sore Throat During the Winter

Have you ever woken up with a dry, scratchy throat and been concerned a cold is right around the corner? You’re not alone. Though a sore throat could be a symptom of the flu, bacterial infections or strep throat, it could also be caused by winter weather. Don’t let the mild winter in Savannah fool you, warm air can still be dry which is the main cause of seasonal sore throats. Here are a few home remedies to help you avoid getting a sore throat this winter:

sore throat in savannah1. Add moisture to the air – Running a humidifier at night helps keep congestion in the sinuses from drying out. This helps with your breathing and keeps the sore throat from showing up in the morning.

2. Blow your nose – Blowing your nose can keep the congestion out of your sinuses, which also stops any drainage from dripping down to your throat.

3. Drink a lot of water – It’s just as important to keep your body hydrated in the winter as it is in the summer. Drinking water can break up the drainage, stopping a sore throat from occurring.

4. Drink tea with honey and lemon – Tea, honey and lemon numbs and soothes the throat.

5. Take Vitamin C – While Vitamin C may not help soothe a sore throat, it will help fight off a potential cold if you notice symptoms coming. If the sore throat is a symptom of a cold, it can help fight off the infection sooner.

6. Rest your voice – If you woke up with a sore throat, avoid cheering, yelling or singing for a couple days or until you feel your throat isn’t sore.

Treatment for Sore Throat in Savannah, GA

Dr. David Oliver provides patients throughout Savannah with a diagnosis and proper treatment if you are suffering from a sore throat.