Author: Coastal Ear, Nose & Throat

Voted Best of Savannah for 10 Years

Coastal Ear, Nose, & Throat is honored to have been named Best of Savannah for 10 years running.

Dr. Oliver would like to thank all of our amazing patients for their continued support and for voting him as the best otolaryngologist for the past 10 years. He loves and cares for each and every one of his patients! Thank you for trusting us with all of your ENT needs!

2023 Best of Savannah.

best of savannah 2022 award.


best of savannah 2021 award.


best of savannah 2020 award.


best of savannah 2019 award.




The Difference Between Buying a Hearing Aid From an Audiologist vs. Drug Store

When a person finally accepts that their hearing loss is affecting their everyday life including their work environment, personal relationships, and self esteem, it is crucial that they choose the right kind. The difference between buying a hearing aid from an audiologist vs. drug store can leave someone unsure. Let us help you sift through all the information.

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6 Reasons to Have Your Hearing Tested Regularly

Most hearing loss is subtle at first, and you may not even notice a change. In fact, it is usually friends and family who alert someone to their hearing issue. Although children are regularly tested, most adults do not even think about scheduling a hearing test like they would their vision. We have listed 6 reasons to have your hearing tested regularly.

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Ear Tubes: What Parents Should Know

Ear infections are a common early childhood ailment. If you have a child who has chronic bouts of ear infections, you know the drill. Your pediatrician will prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection. It usually clears, but sometimes that infection comes roaring back. What you may not know are the repercussions of these frequent infections and how they may affect your little one. One beneficial treatment is ear tubes. Let’s dive in to what parents should know.

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Can Headphones and Earbuds Cause Hearing Loss?

Rarely do we see a young adult in public without an earbud in their ears. Headphones are a bit more cumbersome, but teens still find them a way to escape from their surroundings. We all enjoy listening to music no matter our age, but younger people rely on music to pass the time. So, can headphones cause hearing loss since they are so close to our ears? It’s not the device itself, but how we use it.

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