A ruptured eardrum sounds pretty serious, and yet, some people don’t even know they have perforated their eardrum because they felt nothing and had no symptoms. Let’s learn what can cause it to occur and some symptoms to be aware of.
Author: Coastal Ear, Nose & Throat
Ear Tubes: What Parents Should Know
Ear infections are a common early childhood ailment. If you have a child who has chronic bouts of ear infections, you know the drill. Your pediatrician will prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection. It usually clears, but sometimes that infection comes roaring back. What you may not know are the repercussions of these frequent infections and how they may affect your little one. One beneficial treatment is ear tubes. Let’s dive in to what parents should know.
14th Anniversary Celebration
Thank you to everyone that came and helped celebrate our 14th Anniversary! We are so thankful for patients like you all!
Can Headphones and Earbuds Cause Hearing Loss?
Rarely do we see a young adult in public without an earbud in their ears. Headphones are a bit more cumbersome, but teens still find them a way to escape from their surroundings. We all enjoy listening to music no matter our age, but younger people rely on music to pass the time. So, can headphones cause hearing loss since they are so close to our ears? It’s not the device itself, but how we use it.
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Vote Coastal Ear, Nose, and Throat Best of Savannah 2023
We hope to add another Best of Savannah award to our wall for 2023. Every day we strive to set the standard for otolaryngology and audiology care in the Savannah area.
We are grateful to have received this award year after year and encourage our patients to help us go for 2023!
How Does a Person Know If They Have Tonsil Stones?
How does a person know if they have tonsil stones? If you still have your tonsils, you can check in a mirror and look inside your mouth. You will notice some small white spots on the tonsils. They are not really stones, but lumps of calcified material. Let’s learn more.
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Painful Swallowing: Should I See An ENT Specialist?
Most of us have had an instance where it hurt to swallow. Our mothers used to say it happens when something goes down the “wrong pipe”. We accepted that when we were children, but as adults, we want to know exactly why it happens. Does it happen once and then go away? Or does it linger? Let’s look at painful swallowing and when to see an ENT specialist.
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Your Guide To Managing Hearing Loss
Many audiologists will tell you stories of patients who took years to finally admit they had a hearing issue. When they finally got hearing aids, their entire life changed for the better. 30 million people in the United States have some degree of hearing loss. Knowing you are not alone can be the first step to acknowledging your own hearing issues and taking action. What follows is your guide to managing hearing loss.
How Changes In The Weather Are Impacting Your Allergies
Did you have an Auntie Jane who always knew a storm was coming because her big toe would throb? Maybe you didn’t have an Auntie Jane, but it’s true that changes in the weather can affect many things including your allergies. Your auntie was alerted and could take steps to prepare for the storm just as you can with weather changes. Learn how changes in the weather are impacting your allergies, and what you can do to mitigate the symptoms.
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Thyroid Surgery: What To Expect Before And After
A thyroidectomy entails the partial or total removal of your thyroid gland. There are a number of reasons why you may need this surgery, and of course, you are anxious. Let us give you an overview of thyroid surgery and what to expect before and after.
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